Thank you for your willingness to give to this organization. Your gift will benefit many peers, artists, and in turn communities.
We accept monetary donations, office supplies, computers, phones, and any items that can help the peers and artists that we serve.
We appreciate your gratitude and your commitment to helping us serve.

Are you passionate about Arts, Mental Health? If so, we need you! P3 programs need plenty of volunteers! From helping with fundraisers to helping our artists/advocates at shows with the door or to collect and manage evaluations we need you! There is a space for you within this organization! If you really want to volunteer your time towards the greater good and participate in great programming, APPLY BELOW!

Partner With Us!
We are an organization that "plays nice in the sandbox" with other orgs." What does that mean? We are willing to partner with other organizations to build programming for the benefit of our peers. Many of our grants depend on our work with other organizations so we mean what we say when we say we WANT to work with you.
We participate in coalitions, research, and community engagement. We also offer technical assistance / organizational evaluation / program evaluation / and assistance with grant writing.
We are great friends to have!